
Tanesha’s Blog

Women In Film #UWP

Greetings Class Comm.490

Hello class, my name is Tanesha Yancy. This is my final semester at the University of Parkside. I am a Communication Major with a minor in Public Relations. After graduation I plan to take the entrepreneur route for a while and work freelance. My ultimate goal is to work as a photojournalist and make documentary’s and eventually film. I have taken two other film classes on campus, one with Jay McCroy concentrating on Science Fiction and Professor Shailor’s Black Cinema, I enjoyed them both and really learned a lot about direction and post and pre-production. I think film is a way of visually telling a story, just like with photos the picture is just as powerful as a million words. I have always classified myself as a writer but during my life as a student I find it more fulfilling to give my words a face and voice which is where the urge to want to film comes from. I look forward to this course Women in Film, I thought it would be only right to end my journey with anther insightful course this time concentrating on Women!

I found the documentary “Women in Holywood”,  to be a good introduction to the course. I never knew the film industry expanded to that long ago with such a strong popularity, it was even more surprising to see the huge woman domination. I always thought that acting was where women first got their experience into film but to know that they were actually writing, and producing, and directing, and then brought back down is disappointing and not alarming at the same time. As a minority with different social classes, my race along with my gender makes me a candidate for this kind of discrimination that is so vivid today this many years later… Its scary! It seems like everyday I am made more and more aware of why the #MeToo Movement was so needed and why it touched so many people. #MeToo, can be said for women under so many circumstances it’s a shame that we are still protesting the same things. What is a shame is that the lack of diversity not only in women in film but the lack of diversity with women and any position holding power.

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